Office Address: 600 Park Avenue Carriage House
City: Rochester
State: New York
Zip Code: 14607
What do you specialize in?: Dr. Chrissy Mannion is a Licensed Psychologist practicing in Rochester, NY. As an EMDR Certified Therapist, she approaches all her clients from this framework, integrating attachment work, ego state interventions, polyvagal theory, and structural dissociation theory. She is also trained in Emotional Freedom Technique (ie, EFT Tapping). Dr. Chrissy is well versed in both single incident and complex trauma, and her clients tend to have some combination of complex trauma, attachment wounds, and/or dissociation. She enjoys mentoring clinicians who are new to the field or more experienced clinicians trying new techniques. As an Approved Consultant, Dr. Chrissy offers EMDR specific consultation. Please email for more information at
EMDR Training Level: Basic Training, EMDRIA Certified, Consultant In Training (CIT)
Treatment Populations: Adults, LGBTQ
Do you specialize in the treatment of law enforcement, first responders or hospital staff?: No
Other Insurances : Aetna
Hours: Weekdays
Office Setting: Office, in person, Telehealth